Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, the battery can be charged both installed and removed from the bike.
Make sure the battery's power switch is in the "On" position, then press the power button on the display itself.
Average range on a single charge varies on several factors including rider weight, terrain, riding style, tire pressure, and ambient temperature. Essentially, any force that adds additional operating load to the system will decrease the total range.
The included charger is rated for standard 110V outlets. Be sure to confirm that the output voltage on your charging source meets the necessary input voltage.
In general, bicycles tend to last longer when they are stored away from the elements. We recommend that the battery is stored indoors to avoid extreme winter temperatures. If you plan to store the battery for long periods of time, we recommend charging the battery occasionally to prevent capacity loss over time.
The onboard controller can not be altered to change the maximum assisted speed.
Normal wet riding conditions are no problem as the electrical system is water resistant. We recommend avoiding extended exposure to excessive moisture to maintain performance and extend the life of the product.
The tire fill valves are standard Schrader valves, compatible with all standard bike pumps. Proper tire inflation is an important part of comfortable and safe riding.
No, the tires have standard innertubes.
For warranty details, please refer to:
Whether you have a question about a feature on your bike or an issue that needs to be addressed, please call or text 812-807-1570, or email us today at
Yes, the battery can be charged both installed and removed from the bike. Charging from zero to 100% takes 4-6 hours.
The maximum assisted speed is 20 MPH.
The bike has three riding modes: Traditional pedaling, 5-level Pedal Assist, and Throttle Mode for automatic riding without pedaling.
The battery weighs 6.61 pounds.
No, Victor does not fold.
The tire size is 26" diameter by 1.95" width. The tires are puncture resistant.
The frame size for the Totem Victor is 16.5".
The bike itself weighs 38 lbs, and 44 lbs with the battery installed.
No, the tires have standard innertubes.
The drive system is designed, engineered, and manufactured by Panasonic®
The battery level is indicated on both the display and the battery itself.
Yes, the battery can be charged both installed and removed from the bike. Charging from zero to 100% takes around 3 hours.
The maximum assisted speed is 15 MPH.
The bike has two riding modes: traditional pedaling, and 3-level Pedal Assist.
Yes, the carrier Maximum Payload Capacity limit is 25KG.
No, this model does not fold.
The tire size is 26" diameter by 2.125" width. The tires are puncture resistant.
The frame size for the Totem Zen Rider is 17".
The bike weighs 55 lbs with the battery installed.
No, the tires have standard innertubes.
Vinka eBike Systems
Yes, the battery level is indicated on the display.
Yes, the battery can be charged both installed and removed from the bike. Charging from zero to 100% takes around 3 hours.
The maximum assisted speed is 20 MPH.
No, the LCD display is black and gray.
No, this model does not fold.
The tire size is 27.5" diameter by 2.1" width. The tires are puncture resistant.
The frame size for the Totem MX1 is 19".
The bike weighs 57 lbs with the battery installed.
Vinka eBike Systems
Yes, the battery level is indicated on the display.
Yes. Four operating modes - Manual Mode、5 Level Pedal Assist Mode、Throttle Mode、Walk Assistance Mode.
Yes, the battery can be charged both installed and removed from the bike. Charging from zero to 100% takes around 3 hours.
The maximum assisted speed is 20 MPH.
Yes, the carrier Maximum Payload Capacity limit is 25KG.
No, this model does not fold.
The tire size is 26" diameter by 2.3" width. The tires are puncture resistant.
The frame size for the Totem Atlas is 15.5".
The bike weighs 56 lbs with the battery installed.
No, the tires have standard innertubes.
No, this model does not fold.
The tire size is 29" diameter by 2.125" width. The tires are puncture resistant.
The frame size for the Totem TX10-L is 19". The frame size for the Totem TX10-M is 17".
35 lbs.
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